It's always annoyed me that can no longer sort tickets by severity. This isn't such a big deal unless you have a lot of tickets, as I do. MakeMaker alone has over 90.
I found RT::Client::REST and hacked up their example to produce for me a list by severity. Yay! If one cared, you could encode the search results as JSON and make some sort of clever web interface with resortable columns.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Error qw(:try);
use RT::Client::REST;
my %Config = ( server => '', username => 'YOU', password => 'wouldn't you like to know', queue => 'Your-Module' );
my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new( server => $Config{server}, timeout => 30 );
try { $rt->login( username => $Config{username}, password => $Config{password} ); } catch Exception::Class::Base with { die "problem logging in: ", shift->message; };
my @ids; try { @ids = $rt->search( type => 'ticket', query => qq[ (Status = 'new' or Status = 'open') and Queue = '$Config{queue}' ], orderby => 'CustomField.{Severity}' ); } catch Exception::Class::Base with { die "search failed", shift->message; };
for my $id (@ids) { my $ticket = $rt->show(type => 'ticket', id => $id); print "ID: $id\n"; print "\tSubject: ", $ticket->{Subject}, "\n"; print "\tSeverity: ", $ticket->{"CF-Severity"}, "\n"; }
I'm toying around with GreaseMonkey these days, and that seems to be a perfect jobs for its hairy paws: RtSeverityOrdering.