I dunno, maybe people have been getting bounce messages when they mail me. Probably about me running out of space at guild.net. Its ok, everything gets forwarded to three different places so at least one (currently GMail) will work.
Its taken me a while to setup my new laptop to receive mail (install and configure SA, put sa-learn cronjobs back in place, make sure all the filters and forwards work, configure postfix for SASL... you get the idea) so I've been reading via GMail (no fun). I just hit The Big Red Fetchmail Button and the giant sucking sound you hear is what looks like all my mail since the end of September coming down the pipe.
The good news is I remembered to pull over my mutt config and SA bayes database from my old laptop, so I don't have to rebuild that. The bad news is I didn't pull over my custom SA rules file that I'd built up painfully over the last year or so. All the mail my old SA rules caught the Bayes stuff has never seen so all sorts of crap is leaking through. Mostly viruses. I'm going to try a pure bayes solution this time rather than tweak the rules file. We'll see what happens.
Hopefully this should be the LAST FUCKING TIME I HAVE TO DO THIS!