I got out from under my rock briefly last night, attending my second New York Perl Monger's meeting. I went to one last year to hear Geoff Young talk about mod_perl 2 (I think).
The big draw last night was a chance to meet David Wheeler. I worked with David on a nearly daily basis for over a year on the Bricolage project without ever meeting face-to-face. Aside from our running MySQL vs PostgreSQL "conversation," the meeting was a pleasant one. Things got a bit ugly when someone asked David for a "three sentence description of Krang" but I can't honestly say I would have handled a similar question about Bricolage with any greater sensitivity!
I also got a chance to talk to a couple guys working on Phalanxing HTML::Template. I'm looking forward to their contributions with a mixture of embarrassment and hopefullness. I'm sure better testing can only help, but that's some very old code and more than a little gross. Oh HTML::Template version 3, when will I write you?
"Oh HTML::Template version 3, when will I write you?"