An experiment with and without SOAP

samtregar on 2004-10-02T16:21:01

An article I wrote about my experience with SOAP is up on

Don't Be Afraid to Drop the SOAP

So far I've received just one response, an email accusing me of spreading "SOAP FUD." Hilarious as the idea is, I'd like to clarify that I don't hate SOAP; in fact I'm sure I'll use it again. I just won't use it if the system needs to operate on large amounts of data within a short amount of time!


SOAP probably isn't what you needed

TeeJay on 2004-10-04T08:48:23

from reading the article I don't think you needed SOAP. All the overheads, etc are only worth it if you actually need the extra features it adds over XML/RPC.

I'd like to see a really cut-down SOAP implementation (possibly based on axis or other c/c++ libraries out there) that is fast enough for use in large applications as SOAP::Lite comes with too much baggage. Who actually uses SOAP over email anyway?

Re:SOAP probably isn't what you needed

samtregar on 2004-10-04T12:32:34

I looked at XML/RPC when I designed the Bricolage SOAP interface. Two things stick out in my memory: lack of undef support and a weak error handling system. Maybe those weren't deal-breakers, but they seemed problematic in this case. Bricolage actually uses IDs of 0 for valid objects and has a rather elaborate exception system which I wanted to map in the RPC interface.

Looking back I think my biggest mistake wasn't in choosing SOAP for the RPC layer, it was in choosing an RPC layer to start with!
