I've been using PIWVA (PIne Web View Attachment by Thomas Karlsson) for a while now, and it's awesome. It's a script which integrates with Apache and SSH to give me easy access to attachments via Pine. With PIWVA, when I get a binary attachment I hit [ENTER] on it and get:
http://21572:15671@xxx.com/piwva/x.pdf or scp sam@xxx.com:/home/sam/www/piwva/x.pdf . Press ENTER when done and the file will be deleted
Then I can either hit the URL with Mozilla or use the scp line in a shell. PIWVA handles setting up the file and a temporary htpasswd file for access by Apache. Prior to PIWVA I had to manually save the file, note its name and then copy it down to my system.
Sure, it's written in Bash and it has a terrible name, but I highly recommend it to any Pine users in the audience.