On Monday, I had an exam in natural language processing in the morning,
gave a talk to Belfast.PM in the evening, and went to the bar after that.
The exam didn't go that well, but I think I did enough to pass (!).
The talk went disasterously. I wrote it in the bus on the way into Belfast.
It was a lightning talk, 7 minutes, so I thought 5 "slides", each about one
to one and a half minutes would be okay. When I got up to do my talk, I was
pretty nervous. My notes took all of about a minute to go through and I was
left standing there like an idiot. I knew the talk would either be too long
or too short, but I couldn't really do anything about it in the time I'd
left myself to prepare for it. Anyway, I'm going to prepare something
better and do it next time we're doing lightning talks.
So, Pete McEvoy, Paul Dundas and myself went to Katy Dalys after the
meeting. We had wanted to get food in the bar, but they weren't serving,
and we couldn't be bothered going elsewhere. It was good enough crack
though. We entered the pub quiz. Let's just say our pop-knowledge wasn't up
to scratch. We came last without even trying (when I used to go to the pub
quiz, we'd try to come last to get the free booze...). Pete and Paul
buggered off just before the end, leaving me to collect the booby prize (a
packet of frickin condoms! No booze!!). Anyway, it was a good enough night.
Can't remember how I got a taxi or how much it cost though, worryingly