What happened at this month's Belfast.PM meeting

russell on 2001-11-13T12:23:18

The situation was not ideal as the computer there was WIP as opposed to WIMP. Luckily, Barry brought a laptop, which we plugged in everything seemed fine again. Andrew faffed around with Emacs *spit* for ages while Karen tried to fill in. After a while Andrew did the right thing (C-X, C-C) and just talked instead. We learned of his "port" of a Python app for tagging email. He is going to put it on CPAN for all to see.

Tony then talked on Class::DBI, the slides of which are available at his site. He said some controversial things which may never be repeated (until he talks about Class::DBI next time). Tony told us about what Class::DBI can do, and told us about helper modules. He introduced TT to some people too. We all went away and ported all our applications to use Class::DBI.

Paul mentioned a tool he has for swapping between use warnings and -w at install time, which some people got very interested in.

Barry showed us his Mail::Audit script and pondered about rejecting messages, but no-one seemed to know why it wasn't working for him.

That's all I can remember.