After a busy year cygwin moved from 5.8.8 to 5.10.
It was quite an effort to coordinate a lot of dependant packages. Thanks to Yaakov Selkovitz, who had a to wait a few months.
And we have now a completely new and sane build system as simple shell scripts.
But even after testing for about half year, the first official try 5.10.0-4 has a serious error, which never showed up in any testcase. Jan Dubois found it.
perl -E "say for sort keys %Win32::" is empty.
cygperl links Win32CORE statically to libperl. Because some libtool packages which link to perl like mod_perl, cannot deal with mixed static + dynamic libs. The single static Win32CORE.a breaks it.
The problem is that I accidently removed the Config{static_ext} entry somehow in the intermediate step when compiling perl.c. init_Win32CORE() is not called.
The final static_ext is good again, because then the ExtUtils::Embed tests or my perl compiler tests would have found it.
Oh dear! The Win32 testsuite didn't find it.
The update to perl5.10.0-5 will have this fixed, but will be based on a current MAINT patchlevel.
My patch queue was getting huge, and I almost had to switch to quilt.
So I rather test it a bit longer.
cpan tests with about 500 packages were good so far.