I've put my current work onto CPAN as developer releases. The perl compiler B-C has the same features and bugs as the official perl-5.8 release versions, just a little bit enhanced, so I could pull out the underscores, but I have to wait for authorization anyway.
1) http://search.cpan.org/dist/B-C the perl compiler
2) http://search.cpan.org/dist/B-Debugger the optree debugger
3) And the start for a perloptreeguts.pod at
People complained that the perl internals are so hairy and complicated, and I have to completely disagree. It's just hard to debug at the early parsing/compiler stages. At least we have perl level hooks and don't have to write hooks in C or XS. And the optree debugger helps also. Or it could be that my background is LISP, and parsing, compilation and code transformation within lisp is a non-brainer.
I was a little bit worried about the lack of GSOC students, so I released incomplete work.
Missing authorization seems to be my fate anyway. When John Tobey handed me over C::DynaLib, he couldn't give me co-maintainership for the base module C::DynaLib neither, so this is marked as unauthorized also.