I found Simon Cozens entry for secret software - the stuff that lives in your ~/bin (or your /usr/local/bin if you're really brave) and never sees the light of day -, and looked into my ~/bin.
difforig originally came from the postgresql hackers, but I enhanced it to easier submit simple multifile patches in .orig-polluted working dirs. You can provide a path or multiple files.
#!/bin/sh echo "difforig $@" echo "" /usr/bin/date +"%Y-%m-%d Reini Urban" echo "" if [ "$#" -gt 1 -o -f "$1" ] # multiple args or a file then for FILE in "$@" do ORIG="$FILE.orig" echo "$FILE" 1>&2 echo "diff -ub $ORIG $FILE" /usr/bin/diff -ub $ORIG $FILE done else if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] then APATH="." # no arg: recursively all origs else APATH="$1" # or one arg: recursively all origs fi find "$APATH" -name '*.orig' -print | sort \ while read FILE do NEW="`dirname $FILE`/`basename $FILE .orig`" echo "$NEW" 1>&2 echo "diff -ub $ORIG $FILE" /usr/bin/diff -ub $FILE $NEW done fi