Still no Strawberry for me

runrig on 2009-08-11T17:54:00

I'd really like to try out Strawberry Perl, but it'll have to wait 'till I get around to installing it at home, where I do a lot less perl than at work. 'Cuz you need admin rights to install strawberry, and they don't hand that out for work laptops.

ActiveState Perl, on the other hand, does install without admin privs, though with some caveats. ".pl" files don't get associated with Perl, and the global PATH does not get updated.

So, a few workarounds. I create a shortcut to "cmd.exe" that executes %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /v:on /s /k "set PATH=C:\bin;C:\msys\1.0\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;!PATH!", which sets the path to all my favorite places before starting up "cmd.exe". And since you can't doubleclick on a ".pl" file to run it (file extension association, remember?), the pl2bat program becomes more useful, except that it doesn't work, because PATH is not set, so you have to add the path to perl.exe inside the pl2bat program. Last (though not due to admin issues), you need to set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable ('http://user:password@proxyhost', if it's authenticated, which it is for me) for ppm to work, except that it so happens that in my case, setting HTTP_PROXY interferes with Informatica, so I set it in a BEGIN block inside the ppm program itself.

Strawberry Perl is available as .zip

Corion on 2009-08-11T20:39:12

You are aware that Strawberry Perl is available in .zip format as well as the .msi format, and that it basically requires no installation at all? You can just copy it anywhere you want. The two files you need to edit are and CPAN/, if you want a working CPAN toolchain. Otherwise you don't even need to do that.

Re:Strawberry Perl is available as .zip

runrig on 2009-08-11T22:14:55

Hey, whaddya know, it works. Now, since I don't have Oracle OCI libraries, but I need DBD::Oracle, I'm trying:

C:\>ppm install DBD-Oracle
Installing package 'DBD-Oracle'...
Can't locate object method "rvalidate" via package "PPM::XML::PPD::html" at C:/s
trawberry/perl/site/lib/ line 1688.

I should probably find out where the real support forum is rather than reporting problems/bugs on my journal :-) (ahh, probably over on

Re:Strawberry Perl is available as .zip

Alias on 2009-08-12T04:46:27

There's also the big "Chat Live for support" link on the front page of the strawberry website.

Re:Strawberry Perl is available as .zip

runrig on 2009-08-12T15:08:24

IRC blocked at work... :-(

I did enter an RT ticket on the PPM distribution though.

Re:Strawberry Perl is available as .zip

tsee on 2009-08-12T07:21:27

Not that this is a guaranteed success, but back in the day, I managed to install a DBD::Oracle PPM via the PAR converter. See PAR::Dist::FromPPD, PAR::Dist::InstallPPD, and PAR::Dist::InstallPPD::GUI (in reverse order of convenience). Caveat: I wrote them.

Re:Strawberry Perl is available as .zip

runrig on 2009-08-12T15:06:18

I went ahead and just copied the relevant lib files and folders from the ActiveState perl directory into the strawberry directory...yeah, I'm kind of defeating the purpose of strawberry...but it worked :-)