We implemented a new log table at a customer site which was supposed to log new orders and track changes to existing orders. Except changes to existing orders that weren't logged yet were logged as new orders. I thought this was going to be implemented before they went live, so it'd be okay. Of course it wasn't :)
So I wrote a script to correctly log all orders created before the log-implementation date, using alot of DBI selectall_* and selectrow_* methods (I hadn't used them for awhile, so I had to check the docs for arguments and found the Slice parameter to select rows of data as hashrefs).
So the boss says, "Before you run it, run it by so-and-so (who is on-site) to see if he thinks it's okay." After finishing the script, I ask so-and-so if he wants to see it, but after I tell him it's in perl, he says no-thanks. Just before running it, I seem to lose the VPN connection to the site, and can't run it. We decided to have the guys on-site install Perl. Just as I start writing up an email on how to install perl/DBI/DBD::ODBC from