User dug Read This (or, Cellular Automata for Kicks in 6)

rodi on 2006-09-14T16:56:39

A while back, I sent my little brother (user dug) some Perl 5 scripts that render simple cellular automata to a terminal. I thought he'd ignored me entirely until he publicly prodded me to see the Perl 6 versions I was (allegedly) working on.

Well, the module is checked into Pugs (Automata::Cellular), and here's a sample script:

use v6-alpha; use Automata::Cellular; my Automata::Cellular $ca .= new(:rule_number<30>); say "Rule Number $ca.rule.rule_number()\n$ca.rule.pretty()\n$ca.prettystate()"; while ( $ca++ ) { say $ca.prettystate() } 1;

With output:

Rule Number 30 ... becomes . ..x becomes x .x. becomes x .xx becomes x x.. becomes x x.x becomes . xx. becomes . xxx becomes .

Stage 1: ...............x............... Stage 2: Stage 3: .............xx..x............. Stage 4: ............xx.xxxx............ Stage 5: ...........xx..x...x........... Stage 6: Stage 7: .........xx..x....x..x......... Stage 8: ........xx.xxxx..xxxxxx........ Stage 9:

I found the Perl 6 object model powerful, the interfaces easy to use. For example, I overloaded the "++" operator using a method like this:

method prefix:<++> { ## increment the state }


Adding an accessor to the class was even easier. I didn't even read any documentation- I just tried it, and it worked. Inside the class or role, just say something like:

has $.foo;

If you want something to type into Pugs, try this:

class a { has $.b }; my a $c .= new(:b); $c.b()

Yes, you really did just build a class called "a", create a new class a object, and use the "b" accessor. Wow.

So dug, now you know why I have become a citizen of Perl after ten years. Moose!