
robin on 2001-08-03T12:57:54

I'm in YAPC::Europe, listening to Schwern's talk about CPANTS

Remember the Johnson-Trotter algorithm? I've been thinking about other similar algorithms. Here is a graph of the permutations of four elements ABCD, connecting the permutations which differ by a transposition of the first element with some other. Is there a general algorithm which will find a Hamiltonian path round a graph like that one? (I think so, though it's not as efficient as Johnson-Trotter. I'll put code here if/when I write it.)

I've been hacking on Want, and I've nearly finished the next version (0.04) - it has a new mechanism which makes writing lvalue subroutines really easy. I'm quite excited about it.

This morning I gave my Mutagenic modules talk, which went down pretty well. I think I lost a lot of people towards the end, when I started to talk about Perl internals a bit. Maybe I need to tone that down a little.