OSCON: D+1, First Tutorial

rjray on 2005-08-02T17:09:28

Started the day by being late to the Learning AJAX tutorial. This one is sold out, and it shows. The room is packed, and I'm at the very back with about a dozen other late-comers. The CC staff just came in with a load of extra chairs, or I'd still be sitting on the floor.

AJAX is an interesting technology. I'm very annoyed with myself for not having noticed it sooner-- it's been out there for some 5-odd years, but I've only been aware of it from about March or so on. A number of projects at my day-job are using it, and I'll almost certainly be using it within the next few weeks myself. And that's not even considering my "personal" (non-day-job) work.

The speaker, Alex Russell, is good. Sharp, and quick with the real-world code examples to illustrate his points and/or answer questions. He's a lead developer on a JavaScript project called the Dojo Toolkit. Something worth looking more closely at.