OSCON: D-Day, Second Tutorial

rjray on 2005-08-01T23:28:44

D. Richard Hipp, the creator of SQLite, knows his stuff. This isn't exactly news, as anyone who's used SQLite knows this. The tool is well-designed and well-written. What's more, it's also pretty well-documented, something that OS projects can't always claim.

He also gives a good tutorial. He's not as hyper as Damian, but he's engaging and he uses a lot of very applicable, easily-understood examples as he goes along. I don't know that what I'm learning here is going to make my usage of SQLite that much more efficient, but I'll certainly have a better understanding of what is going on under the hood as I code. And some elements may actually lead to better performance in apps using SQLite. Great contrast from the first tutorial of the day.

Unfortunately (for me), one of my book ideas was to write about this topic, and apparently someone is already working on one. I hope to chat and see what his plans are, especially where coverage of language bindings are concerned. Who knows, he might be interested in having someone contribute...