OSCON: D-Day, Between Tutorials

rjray on 2005-08-01T20:20:49

In between tutorials. Contrary to what I said earlier, I am starting to run into a number of people that I know. Catch is, they aren't sure at first that they know me. Not having made it last year, I completely forgot that I changed my appearance a lot about a year and a half ago. People who are used to seeing me (the long beard was an experiment, usually it was much shorter) suddenly don't recognize me.

Despite this minor setback, I've run into Alisdair Allen, gnat, Larry Wall, and several others I don't have links for. Still plenty of others I hope to run into over the next four days. And of course, in about 15 minutes I'll be on my next tutorial, at which I'll get to meet the talented D. Richard Hipp, creater of SQLite, possibly the mostly subtle and surreptiously-cool piece of DB code ever.