Starting the day with the XUL tutorial. Alas, not as good as I had hoped. The speaker is flat, and is mostly reading the slides without giving too much additional commentary. With the rise of AJAX and other technology, I think XUL (and Firefox in general) have a lot of growth potential. But it is very telling that, of all the laptop screens I can see from my seat, none (including my own) are displaying anything remotely related to the talk. I would have rather heard design principles, talk of how to move from a {Swing,SWT,Gtk2,...}-oriented GUI mind-set to XUL. What he is currently saying, can be gotten from the slides or the online documentation from the Mozilla project.
Next up after this is The Inner Workings of SQLite. I'm quite looking forward to this, as I've been a real enthusist for this Db tool for a while now. The pre-printed slide-pack for this is something like 175 slides, so I expect Dr. Hipp to be talking about as fast as Damian Conway does.
This is painful. I am so not a morning person.