Programming languages in general, and "little" languages in particular, have always been a love of mine. I've always wanted to eventually work in compiler and/or language design, though my career has yet to take me down such paths.
Because of this, I've been eyeing Parse::RecDescent for quite a while, waiting for a spare tuit to come along so I could play with this seemingly-fascinating toy.
As is often the case, it took a day-job work assignment for me to get the chance. But wow, has it been worth the wait. Not only am I having genuine fun working on the grammar for this project (which is complex enough to go into a separate file so that it can be turned into a stand-alone PM file at build-time), but the more features and tricks I find in the man pages and examples for P::RD, the more I want to just make up problems to solve.
Haven't had this much fun programming in quite a while. Also, I'm not sure which part of that last sentence is the most sad...
Re:Fond of P::RD
rjray on 2003-05-16T21:33:43
I actually used the article on safe undumping as one of my references when getting a handle on it. Very helpful.
Re:Where to learn?
rjray on 2003-05-16T21:34:59
See previous comment, in reply to Randal. Also, use his Google link to see more of his columns. I find that actual, medium to large sized examples are easier to follow than the basic man page.