more cpan metrics

rjbs on 2008-11-04T15:47:44

For a while, I've been keeping track of the total usage of my code on the CPAN. It helps me see what people have found useful, and lets me decide how scared to be of introducing back-incompat changes. Sometimes people talk about the sort of catastrophe that can occur if a highly-required module is broken. For example, over 11,000 dists require the code in Getopt-Long. If it broke badly and people installed the new code, it would be a nightmare.

So, I applied my "who needs me?" script to the whole CPAN. It produces a list of every author with dists, showing how many other dists (recursively) use that dist. When an author uses his own dist, it is not counted as a prerequisite. The "total cpan-breaking power" score is more accurate that way.

This scoreboard is quite different to Simon Wistow's CPAN Leaderboard. Here's a comparison:

author   | volume | requiredness
ZOFFIX   | 1      | 145
ADAMK    | 2      | 32
RJBS     | 3      | 43
MIYAGAWA | 4      | 82
NUFFIN   | 5      | 85
GBARR    | 114    | 1
PMQS     | 221    | 2
PETDANCE | 31     | 3
MSCHWERN | 40     | 4
SAPER    | 32     | 5

The program is included below. It's a quick and dirty hack, but it was fun to write and look at.

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use DBI;
use JSON::XS;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=cpants_all.db', undef, undef);

my $authors = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
  "SELECT id, pauseid
  FROM author
  ORDER BY pauseid"

my @results;

for my $author (@$authors) {
  my ($author_id, $pauseid) = @$author;

  my $dists = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    "SELECT id, dist FROM dist WHERE author = ? ORDER BY dist",

  my %analysis;

  analyze_dist(\%analysis, $author_id, $_) for @$dists;

  my $sum = 0;
  $sum += $_ for values %analysis;

  next unless $sum;

  warn "$pauseid,$sum\n";
  push @results, {
    pauseid => $pauseid,
    result  => $sum,
    dists   => \%analysis,

my $JSON = JSON::XS->new;
for my $author (sort { $b->{result} <=> $a->{result} } @results) {
  say $JSON->encode($author);

sub analyze_dist {
  my ($analysis, $author_id, $dist, $seen, $add_to) = @_;
  $seen ||= {};
  $add_to ||= $dist->[1];

  my @queue = $dist;

  $analysis->{ $add_to }++;

  my $needed_by = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    "SELECT p.dist, d.dist AS name
    FROM prereq p
    JOIN dist d ON = p.dist
    WHERE p.in_dist = ?
    AND author <> ?",

  for my $needed (@$needed_by) {
    next if $seen->{ $needed->[1] };
    $seen->{ $dist->[1] }++;
    analyze_dist($analysis, $author_id, $needed, $seen, $add_to);

You can find the results of the results as of last night in my drop box.


domm on 2008-11-04T20:13:22

nice to see the cpants.db put to good use! I hope the schema isn't too ugly...


rjbs on 2008-11-04T20:17:45

No, it's much better than it used to be (ages ago). I found it very easy to use. I mean, the code should make it clear how easy it was.

Tell me this, though, if you know: I would like to be able to exclude core modules, but prereqs are all stored in CPANTS in terms of dists, which make things problematic, because Test::More appears in multiple dists -- one where it's legal and two where it is not, for instance.

Do you have a good suggestion about dealing with this? Even if not, this has been a useful exercise.