the php quick function reference

rjbs on 2008-08-23T01:37:54

the php quick function reference

The PHP quick reference lists all the built-in functions -- all 5274 of them. It just links you to the manual page for that function. This HTML document is over four hundred kilobytes in size.

image magick commands

mr_bean on 2008-08-23T06:57:49

400 of them are. And there seems to be lots of other commands that perl would import from modules.

Are there any good points about this name space "pollulolation?"

Re:image magick commands

rjbs on 2008-08-23T12:31:58

Sure, isn't the good point obvious? You don't need to learn or install any modules. Think of every time you've heard a Perl programmer complain, "Ugh, more dependencies!" Never again!

Unfortunately, imagine, now, that every module you use was in core. Also, not dual-lived and on CPAN. Also, not even in a file you could patch on the fly once installed. Now if there's a bug, you have to upgrade Perl itself. Oh, and maybe that introduces bugs in other core places.


Re:image magick commands

Bernhard on 2008-08-25T17:13:19

Actually the image magick and many other functions are not there be default. They are part of extensions, e.g. So there is a module system in PHP.

As of PHP 5.2 there were no namespaces in PHP. They are being introduced in the upcoming PHP 5.3. The funny thing is that many PHP users and developers seem to prefer name mangling and thus saw no need for namespaces.