regarding reputation

rjbs on 2008-06-22T16:36:56

Last week, I was at YAPC::NA in Chicago. It was a good YAPC, and I'll probably write a little more about it later, if I can think of anything worth relating. One thing came up, though, that I really wanted to mention.

One of the best reasons to go to a conference is the "hallway track." That is, it's to see and interact with other programmers who you often only deal with via bug trackers, mailing lists, and maybe IRC. Establishing a rapport with other members of the programming community, be it "the Perl community" or "the open source community" or just "the confraternity of programmers," is really important in keeping one's options open. People go to conferences, in part, to make and maintain a good professional reputation.

It's also a good reason to publish free software. Even if I had no particular feelings about the right or wrong of free software, I would publish free software. When I make my software available for free, people can use it to save themselves time and money. I can help establish a name for myself as someone who has written code good enough for many people to use and rely on. Someday, when I go looking for a new job, I can say, "many other pieces of software rely on my work" and I can provide evidence.

My professional reputation is what allows me to get a job that I like so that I can avoid misery while still managing to feed my family and pay my mortgage.

This is a fact that people need to keep in mind when speaking in public. Denigrating someone's professional reputation is a declaration that you want that person to be unable to find a job. You are attacking his means to earn a living and support his family. It is not cute, and it is probably not a good way to solve any real problem.

If you are a contributing member of a project, and it has a project leader who is damaging the project, talk to him. If he fails to respond, communicate with the other project contributors. Try to understand what is going on and why.

Do not, ever, get up in front of a random audience and provide a list of names of people who are damaging the projects that they work on. Doing this is an attack on the ongoing career of the people to whom those names belong. If you are telling the truth, you are still probably doing more harm than good. If you are wrong, you're not going to be able to re-assemble that random audience to issue a correction.

I'm glad to say that I was not the target of any such attack, that I know of. If I had been, I think I would've had to think long and hard about whether open source programming is really a good venue for reputation building. After all, I could just stick to blogging.

Not known for tact, but still small fries compared

scrottie on 2008-06-23T18:09:09

... to other garbage that has drifted out of other camps.

To his credit, he picked things that were already decided or already done rather than trying to influence current events in his favor. And, despite the theme of the talk, he tried to be fair and accurate rather than just attack. It almost seemed to me that he cleared what he was going to say with the people involve before he said it. Uri at least seemed to know what his judgement was.

I'm not sure being accused of abandoning an open source project is going to do any damage to someone's professional career. And there's that saying, "any publicity is good publicity". Even if people criticize how you've run an open source project, you're still running an open source project.

I see the Perl camp doing very little of this stuff... and it's probably best to do very little, but not none. When none is done, no one is called on anything, and bad things happen, and most people never know why. It's especially bad when people feel like they need to rumor-monger in order to get any sort of a scoop on major falling outs. Even large companies release a PR when they break with a major partner or radically change directions. In open source, there might just be no releases, mailing list shut down, or so on. Someone standing up and saying, "so and so didn't like that Linux distros were patching his code, and was unable to get the matter corrected with them, so has decided to pursue a strategy other than open source for his work in the immediate future". That's not slanderous and it actively discourages the rumor mill from circulating more pointlessly titillating accounts of the same thing. And if any sort of conflict as this is hidden and not discussed, people are more likely to be surprised by the circumstances that lead to it -- which I think is the real point of Alias' talk, and which I think he managed at, and did a good job minimizing ancillary damage.

It's a difficult line to walk... but I'm not sure that means that no one should ever try to walk it, even a little.
