planned presentation digressions

rjbs on 2008-05-12T02:41:59

Here's an idea that occurs to me frequently when making slides for conference tutorials. Sometimes I make a slide and I know that it might be too advanced, but it's a crap shoot. If the vast majority of the audience understands the slide, I can save several slides by not explaining it. If enough people look confused, I want to display those slides. I don't mind making the slides up front, but I'd like to be able to only show them if I think it's needed.

I wonder if there's some way to make good Keynote triggers that would let me say something like: "if you want to explain why 1 + 1 = 1, press F1; otherwise, press Next."

Choose your own slideshow.

I also wonder whether the Visor program that I saw ages ago is triggerable during a slide show. It looks good, and it would be convenient to keep a giant-font terminal ready to slide down to demonstrate answers to hard questions.

"Choose your own slideshow" + Visor

jasonk on 2008-05-12T14:51:36

I wonder if there's some way to make good Keynote triggers that would let me say something like: "if you want to explain why 1 + 1 = 1, press F1; otherwise, press Next."

I do "choose your own slideshow" all the time. My presentations are mostly project status type stuff, and if I don't know exactly who is going to be in the room for the presentation, I'll include slides that have technical detail that I can skip over if the audience is not very technical (or doesn't seem interested in the detail.)

The way I do it is to just put the detailed slides after the summary slide. So for example, if I slide #9 has two additional detail slides, I'll put them as slides 10 and 11. Then at the bottom of slide #9, I make two hyperlinks (put in some text, select it, and choose Inspector -> Hyperlink Inspector -> Enable as Hyperlink). The "we're not interested in the technobabble" link gets linked to slide 12, the "yes please, more geekery" link gets linked to slide 10.

I also wonder whether the Visor program that I saw ages ago is triggerable during a slide show.

I haven't found any way to get it to work, since keynote takes over the whole screen. What I do instead is use the 'Window Groups' feature in the Leopard version of Terminal to create a window group that has one window that is the full screen size with a really big font (so that I don't have to set it up every time). Then I run that at the same time as the presentation and just cmd-tab between them.