syncing all my git repositories

rjbs on 2008-04-18T03:15:48

Inspired by my recent adventures in on-plane USB flash drive git repository swapping, I ordered a USB storage device. It seemed like getting a micro SD reader would be fairly multipurpose and expandable, so I ordered a teeny tiny micro SD reader that came with a 2 GB card and adapters for mini and regular SD. This thing is tiny. If I put a quarter on top of it, you can barely see it.

The next task, of course, was to make it really easy to clone all my work onto it, both for easy access and for use as a swappable git repository in dire situations, like the flight to YAPC. I threw this program together. It's rough around the edges, but I imagine that it will be very useful in the future, and that I might expand its features a bit for more general use.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Path::Class;

my $ROOT = dir("/Volumes/RJBS-KEY");

print "key drive not mounted; skipping\n", exit unless -d $ROOT;

my %remote = (
  'code/projects' => [ ''   => '/git/*'        ],
  'rjbs/code'     => [ '' => 'git/code'      ],
  'rjbs/conf'     => [ '' => 'git/conf'      ],
  'rjbs/talks'    => [ '' => 'git/talks/*'   ],
  'rjbs/writing'  => [ '' => 'git/writing/*' ],

sub clone_from_to {
  my ($remote, $path) = @_;

  my ($remote_leaf) = $path =~ m{/?([^/]+)/?\z};

  my ($local_root, $local_leaf) = $remote =~ m{(.+)/([^/]+)\z};

  my $is_starry = $remote{$remote}->[1] =~ m{\*\z};

  my $clone_in = $is_starry
               ? $ROOT->subdir($remote)
               : $ROOT->subdir($local_root);

  my $pull_in = $clone_in->subdir($remote_leaf);

  my $prefix = $pull_in->relative($ROOT);

  if (-d $pull_in) {
    chdir $pull_in;
    print "$prefix: $_" for `git pull -q`;
  } else {
    chdir $clone_in;
    my $host = $remote{$remote}->[0];
    my $root = $path =~ m{^/} ? '' : '/user/rjbs/';
    $path =~ s/ /\\ /g;
    my $url = "ssh://$host$root$path";
    print "$prefix: $_" for `git clone -q $url`;

for my $remote (keys %remote) {
  my ($host, $path) = @{ $remote{$remote} };

  my @dirs;
  if ($path =~ m{(.+/)\*\z}) {
    $path = $1;
    @dirs =`ssh $host find $path -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1`;
    chomp @dirs;
  } else {
    @dirs = $path;

  clone_from_to($remote, $_) for sort @dirs;


Aristotle on 2008-04-18T17:18:12

Maybe mr is what you’re looking for?