time to blast through the mopeys

rjbs on 2008-03-26T12:31:50

Lately, every time I'm done with work and have some time in which I could be getting things done, I find myself staring at my terminal doing nothing, or at least nothing productive. I've barely gotten anything off of my to do list for a few weeks, especially a number of code-related things that I really wanted to have finished weeks or months ago.

I think I have become to willing to do nothing because I don't "feel like" doing anything. Starting today, I am going to try to tell myself "tough crap" whenever I try telling myself, "I don't feel like working on that."

I'd really like to get some things done!

Either that or do the opposite...

Alias on 2008-03-26T15:50:58

Take a complete break and go do something totally different...

So that you eventually get bored and return to work refreshed.

Winter; colleagues

ChrisDolan on 2008-03-27T01:32:20

The same thing happens to me every February. It took me years to notice the pattern. Now that I've recognized it, it helps me get through it.

Actually, the single most effective motivator for me is productive co-workers. When other people near me are doing cool, innovative things it really inspires me. That's one of the reasons I hate working from home.