cpans other than the cpan and other software distribution issues

rjbs on 2008-03-18T03:10:40

One of our current projects at work involves streamlining the way we deploy software to our hosts. The solution in hand is sort of like a much improved CPAN::Mini::Inject. It allows us to declare what CPAN modules we use, and to index our own internal projects as if they were CPAN modules. It will also let us automatically run our test suite to see how updates of CPAN modules would affect our code, and to hard-pin distribution versions so that we never try testing new versions that we know can't work.

Yes, we'll be releasing it when it's done.

The important thing that people sometimes don't think about is that the CPAN is really just a bunch of data that conforms (more or less) to a very simple API: there are a few directories that contain some files that are fairly machine-readable. They've gotten even more machine-readable lately with the addition of META.yml files to many (most?) distributions. You can very easily build your own CPAN instance and point a CPAN client at it. That's all that CPAN::Mini does: it builds a custom CPAN with a lot fewer tarball files in it. It doesn't build its own package index, though, and that's part of what we're working on.

Anyway, testing these sorts of tools requires some test data. You don't want to have to maintain a snapshot of the actual CPAN for testing, and you can't rely on a live mirror, because it changes. Ideally, you'll have a set of data that is as small as it can be while still exhibiting every quirk you've had to test for. Right now, I've been slapping together tools for building fake CPAN instances out of simple descriptions. Happily enough, META.yml files can serve as pretty good descriptions of what a distribution should contain, so CPAN::Faker (which uses Module::Faker) builds an entire CPAN instance from a collection of META.yml files, more or less.

It's very weird, actually:

$ fake-dist ./example.yaml
Wrote dist to Example-Dist-0.001.tar.gz

$ tar zxf Example-Dist-0.001.tar.gz
$ cd Example-Dist-0.001
$ perl Makefile.PL && make dist

You end up with nearly identical dist files. Neat!

It seemed pretty clear to me that this would serve as the basis for a newer, better Module::Starter engine. I haven't gotten thinking about that much, yet. Instead, I did some of the most boring coding I've done in years. I rewrote a bit of code from ExtUtils::ModuleMaker, a Module::Starter competitor, making Software::License. Basically, you can say:

use Software::License::Perl_5;
print Software::License::Perl_5->new({ holder=>"Ricardo Signes" })->fulltext;

...and you get the complete text to put in your new dist's LICENSE file. There's also a method to generate the snipped to put in your POD.

I'll probably release it pretty soon, although I'm not really happy with how it works. The interface is okay, though, so I can fix the guts later. At any rate, it's in our git repository now.

All three of my recent dists have been under-documented and under-tested. I feel less than awesome about that, but... sometimes it's better to get things started and out there than to agonize over things that can be put off for a bit longer.

This is what we're doing at work.

elliot on 2008-03-18T05:40:01

The source code is broken up into standard CPAN-compliant distributions. There's a CruiseControl instance that builds the ones that were affected after a change is checked in. If the build/test is successful, the result of "./Build dist" is put into a CPAN structure that is in the source repository along side the source code. (This houses all third-party distributions that we use as well.)

There's one distribution that acts like a Task::* distribution, i.e. it doesn't do anything but depend upon other distributions and runs some overall sanity checks.

Every six hours an integration build kicks off. It creates a new, isolated directory, copies some bootstrap files and distributions (CPAN, Module::Build, etc.) and uses a custom wrapper around to install the task distribution. The standard dependency mechanisms pull in all the rest of our code plus the third party distributions we use. We end up with one output tarball containing everything we use.

This was all set up by Jeff Thalhammer.

I tend to agree

bennymack on 2008-03-19T12:20:03

I have also set up a system like this at my $job. I started with the code in CPAN::Mini as an example. I used what I learned to write a CPAN indexer that will maintain a repository of static CPAN modules as well as our custom modules.

It's worked well so far. I haven't added nearly as much automation to it as the other implementation described in the comments though. I simply add any additional modules that I'd like to mirror to the list and then run an update script that pulls in any modules not present and adds them to the index.

It's pretty easy for developers to add their modules in. They just run an inject script on their distribution tarball.

What I like about this approach is that there's no "state", it just works off of a directory of tarballs. The CPAN::Mini method was hard to get right and required doing things in a certain order which eventually drove me to write my own. Plus it only wants to have the latest CPAN version.