I was pretty sure I was going to buy iWork '08 before it was announced. Every version of Keynote has had a few improvements that made it worth having, even though I only produce two or three slideshows a year. Keynote 4 adds a feature I've often wanted: the ability to make an object on a slide move around. I've wanted to use this for code samples: I'd create a text box with code in it, then put a rectangle on top of it, translucent and one line high, and have that move from one important line to the next.
I've already tried this, and I think it works pretty well. I'm a little disappointed that I can't have it grow to twice its height while doing this, but the only action that would come close is scale. I don't want to scale the box, I want to change one dimesion.
This brings me to the one big issue that I have with Keynote. Its AppleScript support, as far as I can tell, really sucks. Now, this is a big improvement from Keynote 1.0, in which there was no scriptability. There still isn't much. It focuses mainly on automating the playing of slideshows. It would be nice to have a way to alter the contents of the slide. I can set the "body" property, but setting up the body text area is sort of annoying and stupid. Worse, I can only set the content of the body not, as far as I can tell, its formatting.
I don't really want to set any formatting except for the coloring, but I can't do that with AppleScript. I will probably have to resort to generating RTF or (ugh) PDF (via LaTeX) and then putting it on the slide.
See, I want to syntax highlight my code samples, at least some of the time, and probably most of the time. Doing this by hand is problematic and painful, especially if I realize, later, that I need to change a small problem on fifty similar but different slides.
My current best hope is to marry RTF::Writer and Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate, which so far looks something like this:
my $str = ''; my $hl = Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Perl->new; my $rtf = RTF::Writer->new_to_string(\$str); my %color = ( _default => [ 0, 0, 0 ], Keyword => [ 0, 0, 255 ], ); my %color_pos; my @colors; for (keys %color) { my @rgb = @{ $color{ $_ } }; my $pos = $color_pos{ @rgb }; unless (defined $pos) { push @colors, \@rgb; $pos = $color_pos{ @rgb } = $#colors; } $color_pos{ $_ } = $pos; } $rtf->prolog( fonts => [ 'Courier New' ], colors => [ sort ], ); while (my $in = <>) { my ($text, $type) = $hl->highlight($in); my $pos = $color_pos{ $type } // $color_pos{ _default }; $rtf->print( \"\\cf$pos", \'\fs40\b\i', # 20pt, bold, italic $text, ); } $rtf->close; print $str;
It needs some work, but the big problem I have now is that input that looks like this:
Comes out like this:
There's some kind of escaping of the dash, turning it into a backslashed underscore. I've sent the Sean Burke an email, but I'll probably have a look at the code and spec myself soon.
Even if I can't parlay this into a syntax highlighter for Keynote, maybe I'll end up with a good syntax highlighting engine that outputs to RTF. I guess that might be useful.
Re:Would't it be cool...
sigzero on 2007-09-04T17:57:19
Ugh...I thought the tags would should be they didn't:
# code here
[/perl]Re:Would't it be cool...
rjbs on 2007-09-04T18:22:13
Here on use.perl? Yeah. It would be pretty easy, I'd think, to implement. The Kate stuff that I show actually has a method to just convert a whole string into HTML.Re:Would't it be cool...
sigzero on 2007-09-04T22:28:53
I meant in Keynote...Re:Would't it be cool...
rjbs on 2007-09-05T01:18:57
What I'd like, there, is the ability to pick a syntax type from a dropdown on the text inspector, and maybe a color scheme.