I stopped by the local gun (and coin and antique) store on Thursday and asked them to see if they could acquire a Yugo SKS for me. They said it might be a pain, as recent "scares" have created a rush, not to mention "the Democrats getting back in power." This is funny both because it was said out loud and because it is probably true. Ha ha only depressing.
I'm thinking that I may be willing to "settle" for an AK-47, if I can't get a SKS easily enough, although at that point maybe an M1 Garand isn't much more expensive. I'll ask The Gun Guy next time I talk to him.
I was looking at small gun safes, but I think that since my primary goal is preventing underage access, I'll be fine with good weapon locks and a lockable container, like a big tub or drum.
While discussing my options with some friends at my RPG the other day, one of them asked, "So, uh, what does Gloria think of this plan of yours?" and I related this snippet, taken verbatim from AIM logs:
Do you have any interest in learning how to safely and accurately operate a rifle? maybe. I mean - in the case of zombies, it couldn't hurt to know.
Yeah. She's so the girl for me.
Geek love.
bart on 2007-07-10T09:00:02
One of each of what? A gun and a zombie?Re:Arms
Alias on 2007-07-10T11:38:42
Of course! I'm from Australian and even I know that like every 3rd person in Texas carries a concealed Zombie!Re:Arms
wirebird on 2007-07-10T12:23:06
SKS, Garand, and AK47.
Pretty sure zombies are regulated in Texas.Re:Arms
echo on 2007-07-10T22:54:50
That must be the regulated in the 2nd amendment's well regulated Militia!