dear "wiki hacker"

rjbs on 2007-04-12T00:54:03

You defaced the wiki yet again, removing information useful only to a handful of people. You bypassed the security, which consists of requiring that users have internet connections, and hacked the software by creating a page called "DaRkNeSs" containin the line "HACKED BY DARKNESS" repeated 43 times.

Wiki Hacker, I salute you.


djberg96 on 2007-04-12T04:41:05

"Wiki Hacker, I salute you."

I sort of imagine a "Real Men of Genius" commercial while reading this. :)


chromatic on 2007-04-12T06:44:26

There has to be some way to congratulate someone for the equivalent of outrunning, say, a six month old. That takes some degree of cleverness.


sigzero on 2007-04-12T12:27:53

That was exactly my first thought on reading that line.


djberg96 on 2007-04-12T18:40:06

Maybe we could get pudge to make one.

"Today we salute you, Mr. Wiki Hacker. By leaving your inane comments and spam on wikis everywhere, you've made our online experiences that much worse."

And so on. :)


cbrandtbuffalo on 2007-04-13T13:30:22

Sounds like the beginnings of a YAPC video to me... :)


Phred on 2007-04-12T20:10:57

This guy hacked a hotline server I was running on a few years ago. Left the same message. Don't underestimate him, or he may show up in your kitchen and empty all the flour bins ;-)


Aristotle on 2007-04-13T13:54:49

ROTFL! I’ve been cracking up about your comment for the past hour.