Tomorrow begins my trip to YAPC::NA::2006. I'm really looking forward to this year's YAPC. The talks look exceptionally interesting, and I'm going to be giving on myself. I've been spending a lot of time poking at it and poking at the code I'm presenting (Sub::Exporter), deciding what things I feel like trying to show off.
I'm also excited because there will be a PEP BOF. BOFs are small, unofficial meetings held at conferences. I'm not a fan of the name, but it's fairly traditional, now. PEP is the Perl Email Project, which is a project for making Perl an awesome language to use for dealing with email. I work at Pobox, where we are in love with email, so I am looking forward to sharing the love with everyone else. The PEP has been languishing for a while, so the prospect of helping it get going (and stay going!) is one I relish.
I'm about to post this, sync my offline IMAP, and then pack up. I am attempting to fit all my needs into my Timbuk2, which would be a great accomplishment. (Failing that, I'll use a bookbag for my clothes.) Tomorrow, Gloria will drive John and me to the Philly airport by way of Waffle House. Then we're off to O'Hare.
If you're going to Chicago, come say hello!
Cool! It would be nice if the various long-outstanding bugs in RT could finally be fixed. I love the Email:: stuff, and I’d love to see it all become robust enough to do away with the older modules.