my next laptop: ordered

rjbs on 2006-05-16T15:24:42

Previously, I had wondered whether I could cope if the new iBook replacement phased out the twelve-inch PowerBook. I made a list of my requirements:

  • small; no bigger than my first laptop
  • runs a unix-like operating system
  • Core Duo processor
  • 1.5 GB of RAM
  • second display at higher resolution

The new MacBook meets all those requirements. It ships with a half-gig of memory, but I'll probably upgrade it to two once I have it. Apple's RAM prices are usually insane, so I'll order from Crucial. Oh, did I mention? I ordered one already.

I ordered the high-end white MacBook. I put the black in my cart first, and then decided I should double-check on the differences. The black MacBook is $200 more than the high-end white. It has a 80 GB hard drive instead of a 60, but is otherwise identical. Well, and it's black. The 20 GB hard drive upgrade is a $50 option on the white. That means that there's a $150 blackness surcharge. That is ridiculous. I would rather use those $150 for something useful, like the RAM, or new software, or a Nintendo Wii. Anyway, everyone else will be ordering the cool new black model, so I'll be the cool rebel with the white one... right?

info when you get it!

lachoy on 2006-05-16T16:11:35

Please post info when you've worked on the new machine a bit, I'm thinking about this (or something like it) for my wife.

BTW, I forgot to wish you a happy anniversary on our shared wedding date, so: Happy Anniversary!

Re:info when you get it!

rjbs on 2006-05-16T18:58:43

Thanks! Happy anniversary to you, too! We got some tasty dinner and relaxed. It was good.

I'll surely post a lot (too much) about my MacBook once it arrives.

Two heads are better than one?

nicholas on 2006-05-16T17:00:02

second display at higher resolution

So it will properly run dual headed? That's better than the iBook, and one of the two reasons that put me off buying one. (The other being that 1024 isn't really wide enough to have two terminals side by side the way I like them.)

Re:Two heads are better than one?

rjbs on 2006-05-16T18:51:34

Exactly right, and one of the reasons I "needed" a PowerBook. Of course, when I got my PowerBook, the iBook was still a G3, and by the end of the PowerBook G4's life, there were a number of ways to hack the iBook to do real dual headed-ness, although they ate up your RAM.

I love my little 12" display, but I can't do all my work on it all the time. I also love my 20" display.

Re:Two heads are better than one?

Matts on 2006-05-17T17:16:23

There's a firmware hack you can do to make the 12" iBooks work with an external display (extended, not mirrored). Works perfectly.

Re:Two heads are better than one?

rjbs on 2006-05-17T17:37:25

Right, but my understanding was that this would use your system RAM for the video, rather than only dedicated video ram... am I mistaken?

Re:Two heads are better than one?

Matts on 2006-05-17T19:52:20

Not sure. But it's only 16MB at most. Who doesn't have that to spare these days?

Ah yes

sigzero on 2006-05-16T18:36:41

I will be in strenous negotiations with my wife tonight. I am hoping she will buy into the "I won't need another for years!" approach. : )

Re:Ah yes

rjbs on 2006-05-16T18:59:41

Gloria never makes me negotiate for these things, so I try to keep a tight leash on myself. It /usually/ works out. I bought my current PowerBook just in time for OSCON '03, and I decided then to wait three years before getting another. My reward for waiting? A new laptop!

Re:Ah yes

sigzero on 2006-05-16T21:15:37

Well I have to convince her I can still get a decent price on my 5 month old 12" iBook. : )

Re:Ah yes

jk2addict on 2006-05-16T20:44:01

I have the opposite "problem". My wife is the enabler.

"Ooh, a 23" Apple Cinema Display" = "Go ahead, we both have jobs and no kids. That's why we work"

"Ooh, a 50" Wall-Hang Plasma TV" = "Go ahead. We can get the entertainment center out of the living room and make more room".

Evil I say. Just Pure Evil.