spotlight is almost entirely useless

rjbs on 2005-11-19T14:31:18

I want to be able to get a listing of all upcoming iCal events in a list like this:

Shave the Dog - in 1 day

File for Unemployment - in 2 days

Head Transplant - in 2 days

iCal can't do this. I thought, "Hey, maybe I finally have a use for Spotlight." I opened a Find interface in Finder and try to figure out what to do. It took about five minutes for the "Other" kind input to let me type in "iCal Event."

Then the iCal events show up after another minute or two (hey, weren't this already indexed?). Their names all list as 2DCEFC62-459F-11D9-97C4-0003938972DC-RID%2F-.icalevent

Are you freaking kidding me?


sigzero on 2005-11-19T15:29:37

I do the same search and I get "english" event names. Not what you got.

works for me too

mako132 on 2005-11-20T23:32:51

I don't recall ever doing any kind of special setup. I see my ical events clear as a bell in both the apple-spacebar dialog and the Finder search field.

I'm running 10.4.3