getting (not enough) things done

rjbs on 2005-09-12T01:58:09

Today, we made it through three more episodes of Six Feet Under. They were good. We also watched The Man with the Screaming Brain. Actually, I watched it. Gloria watched most of it, but then wisely decided to go read instead. It's a lousy movie, and I'm sort of depressed by that. I did make some progress on some other things, though.

I did a little bit of work, in part working on our Freeside billing implementation. Its insides make me unhappy. I'm hoping to make them better, but there are plenty of logistical reasons to think that's not super-likely to have a big effect.

I didn't manage to finish Practical Common Lisp, but I did get some reviews written for the Perl Testing Developer's Notebook and Pro Perl Debugging. I'm going to try to get PCL finished this week, but I really need to get cracking on the next book club book, Wild Sheep Chase, which I haven't yet begun.