wireless tivo

rjbs on 2005-09-04T03:42:19

As long as we've had our TiVo, it's been connected to our network by a long cat-5 cable that runs across the living room, through the library, and into the office. Tonight, John asked if I wanted to tag along on a trip to Best By. I did, just for kicks, but I had a quick look through the networking aisle and found a cheap 802.11g USB adapter with a "TiVo Compatible!" sticker on it. It was only $30 after rebates, so I bought it.

It's connected, now, and seems to be working just fine. The only problem is that to make it work I had to switch our network to WEP. TiVo still doesn't support WPA.

I sure do like TiVo, but why do they always seem so behind the times?

me too

gizmo_mathboy on 2005-09-05T05:05:13

Although I had my tivo wireless from about day 2 (with 11b adapater). I really wish I could do wpa.

My tivo (pioneer dvr-810h) finally got tivotogo working, sorta. Can do music and photos but I can't move the shows to my computer just yet. I really need to hit up tivo support.

Re:me too

rjbs on 2005-09-05T14:15:30

Don't get me started on TiVoToGo! I have Macs. :(