Today, I got a package from a bookstore in Brooklyn. It contained a copy of Shadows Over Baker Street, a collection of stories about Sherlock Holmes's encounters with Cthulhu and the other Elder Gods. I did not order this book, although I wanted it. It was delivered to "Ric Signes."
I am so confused! Who are you? I would like to thank you.
right here.
brian_d_foy on 2005-08-17T00:56:18
As I say whenever anyone asks "Who lost the (watch|phone|expensive pen)?": "Yeah, right here, that's me".
Unless of course, you were hoping it was a cute girl, then it's not me (cute or girl).
mystery solved
rjbs on 2005-08-17T01:31:43
I called the bookstore, whose machine said, "We only accept calls between three and five." I called back around four o'clock, and the clerk tracked down the order for me.
It was my father-in-law, who bought the book through Amazon. Thanks, father-in-law!
Re:mystery solved
jonasbn on 2005-08-17T17:26:21
Does your wife have an unmarried sister by any chance?