the new guy

rjbs on 2005-08-09T16:22:50

So, there's a new guy at work. His name is John, and he is my neighbor.

John C, oft-mentioned in my journals, wanted to get out of New Jersey (hey, who wouldn't?) to seek more affordable and awesome accomodations. I think I previously wrote about his apartment-hunting efforts. If I didn't, suffice it to say that he came to town and Gloria and I (sort of) helped him look for places to live. Maybe I shouldn't say "sort of": the place that we most wanted to show him is the place where he's now living. He moved in slowly, throughout July, and is now all moved in. (Well, all his stuff is in his place, anyway.)

I think August has been a big month for John: not only has he moved, he's also taken a new job, with me. (That is to say, at my place of employment. He's not my employee there.) He had his first week while I OSCONned, and now that I'm back it's our first week of working together professionally. We're not actually doing much collaboration, yet, but we did spend an hour or two talking about Tree::File problems.

So far, John's new proximity has been a good thing. We've gotten some pizza from Sal's (where the pizza is always good and garlicy), hacked on some code (not quite pairing), watched all the Tool videos (Gloria had never seen them!), and got some beers with the guys from themaxx. Also, he gave me God of War, which has been a lot of fun to pick up again.

If I do end up getting sick of riding the bus with John, working with John, running into John at the ice cream parlor, seeing John at the LUG, and so on, I'll make a note of it -- after updating my ACLs.