npr to podcast?

rjbs on 2005-07-13T11:56:14

Podcasting is sort of an interesting idea, I guess, but there aren't any podcasts I feel really interested in hearing. The only thing I regularly listen to is NPR. Right now, NPR has RSS feeds. Each feed headline leads to a web page that summarizes the article and has a link to a Real Media or WMP audio stream.

I would most like to listen to NPR while riding the bus to or from work, but I can't listen to a stream when there's no network. So, downloadable content would be great.

The other day, as I was looking at their page so I could get at some streamed articles, I saw a little "POD" link, which takes me to a page telling me that "NPR is in the process of developing a comprehensive podcasting plan." Excellent! Hopefully it won't stink, and maybe once I'm using my RSS reader to get NPR audio, I'll feel like start listening to other podcasts that wouldn't have been inspiring enough to get me to use podcasts on their own.

Re: NPR to podcast?

waltman on 2005-07-13T12:18:52

I would most like to listen to NPR while riding the bus to or from work, but I can't listen to a stream when there's no network. So, downloadable content would be great. why don't you just listen to NPR on the bus? It's still available in the legacy "radio" format.

Re: NPR to podcast?

rjbs on 2005-07-13T12:23:57

That adds one more thing to the standard crap I carry with me. Also, the nice thing about getting NPR via the web is that I can listen only to the articles that look interesting. (I like plain old NPR radio, too, but it's a different experience.)

On The Media

jmcada on 2005-07-13T14:38:43

'On The Media', a regualr show on NPR, has an RSS feed with podcasts right now.

Science Podcasts

ziggy on 2005-07-13T15:04:27

Science Friday has a podcast and deep library of MP3s (RA and WMV, unfortunately. I thought they had MP3s, but I can't seem to find them...).

There's also an indy science show called This Week in Science out of UCDavis that's pretty quirky and fun. I've been going through the archives from mid-March recently, and started to like it. (The Internet Archive has archives of Berkeley Groks, a bay-area science show that's not as interesting to listen to.)

Also, don't forget the Beeb. The BBC podcasts a few radio programs that are good listening (and better than NPR in some respects.)

Re:Science Podcasts

ziggy on 2005-07-13T15:05:32

er... that link should read "deep library of audio". whoops!