my name is ... what?

rjbs on 2005-01-19T13:32:40

I am not a stickler for how people spell my name, but I figure I'll get it stated publicly at least once.

My name is Ricardo. People have asked, "Do you mind if I call you Ricardo?" No, I don't. It's my name. My name is not Richard, and I will be annoyed if you call me Richard or Rich. My name is certainly not Richardo, and I will be very annoyed if you call me that or address mail to me that way. It genuinely annoys me.

I almost never write my own name, except for my signature or my initials. When I do, I write "Rik." Many of my friends call me that. I never write Rick or Ric. Sometimes people say, "But there's no 'k' in Ricardo!" Well, there's no "k" in Richard, either, and people write "Rick" for Richard. I spell it R-I-K, and if you're going to call me by that name, you should, too.

I doesn't bug me when people spell it Ric or Rick, but I imagine people would rather spell it the way I intend, not some other way. (It's strange, to me, that people usually default to Ric.)

I also respond to Rico and RJ, by the way.

I know what you mean

TeeJay on 2005-01-19T14:15:05

I just noticed this morning that whoever edits the soaplite website spelt my name as 'Arron Trevena' when pointing out my SOAP::Data::Builder module.

I have no idea why people would possible spell Aaron as Arron -- aron or erin or something but why would have two r's in it?

People frequently mis-spel it, even tho its no more foreign or less common than hannah, josh and any of the hebrew biblical names. If they were a stickler for romanizing the hebrew name it would be AHRN.

Re:I know what you mean

vsergu on 2005-01-20T14:43:09

I suspect it's that "aa" is rare in English, and they know there's supposed to be a double letter in there somewhere, so they come up with "Arron". People do the same thing with "Isaac", spelling it as "Issac" (which, unlike "Arron", isn't a very reasonable spelling for the sound of the name).

But then some people introduce an "aa" by misspelling "savvy" as "saavy". Probably because "vv" is also rare.

And then there's "one l Randal"

merlyn on 2005-01-19T15:14:00

My first name is frequently spelled incorrectly as Randall. In fact, an early mock-up for the first llama cover listed me as "Randall L. Schwartz", and the thumbnail from that got propogated to the website and was used for a few early print ads until I caught it.

I also cringe a bit at people calling me "Randy". I never introduce myself as that, but people sometimes use that without checking with me first. I think they're just trying to be "more friendly", but I decided very early in my life that the thought of a "formal" name that was different from a "familiar" name didn't make any sense to me.

Now, if I ever became a porn star... I'd use Randy for sure. {grin} Odds of that happening are like, zero, though.

Irks me too

Limbic Region on 2005-01-19T16:22:39

My name is Joshua. I never introduce myself as Josh and yet people who have just met me find no problem in replying, nice to meet you Josh - I am X.

I get tired of correcting people. I get frustrated by the fact that people still say Josh even after being corrected. I have gone as far as to use a nick-name completely unrelated to my first name. It is short sweet and is easy to remember. I now introduce myself as follows:

My name is Joshua, but I prefer to be called Gat. If you would prefer to call me by my first name, remember it is Joshua and not Josh. Most people like Gat because they don't have to worry about offending me.

Oh, don't get me started...

Purdy on 2005-01-19T16:49:57

You'd think Purdy would be an easy name, but it's not and probably made worse by my Southern dialect. No one can seem to get it right from ear-to-pen. Perdie, Purdee, Perdy, Birdie ... even Purpy. Probably doesn't help to have phoenetic ambiguity. I've just resorted to using my first name.

- Jason


statico on 2005-01-19T21:58:54

One of my online aliases is "E is for Ian." Some people don't get it.

I get this too..

WebDragon on 2005-01-19T22:21:32

I also experience this on occasion, although it is usually my last name that they mispronounce.

Instead of Godin (which I've been told is a fairly common name in Canada), which is pronounced go-din, I get God-in or strangely, Grodin (they're probably thinking of the Actor, Charles Grodin)

count the Os, count the Is...

jbodoni on 2005-01-20T04:34:01

It never fails... people will look at my last name and pronounce it "Bodini".

Just once, I'd like to be able to tell he whole world: "It's two Os and only one I!"

Kind of a buncha misfits, aren't we?
