segfaulting 5.6

rjbs on 2004-12-08T19:23:16

Well, I knew I'd forgotten to tell Number::Tolerant to require 5.6, which it wants. (I like warnings and our, and I'm willing to require 5.6 for them. It's old!) Now I realize it needs 5.8, too, due to this weird bug:

use strict; use warnings;

package Noval; use overload fallback => 1, '0+' => sub { undef };

package main;

my $noval = bless {} => 'Noval'; my $plus0 = 0 + $noval;

It segfaults 5.6, and I just don't care enough to investigate deeply. We use 5.8 at work, after all.

Meanwhile, on 5.6.1

bart on 2004-12-10T09:10:11

At first I was thinking you were jumping conclusions a little, but it crashes my 5.6.1 (Indigoperl on Win32) too. So requiring 5.8 seems like the most prudent thing to do.