dear grand theft auto: die die die

rjbs on 2004-11-24T16:12:20

I want to RELAX on my vacation. Sometimes, I relax by playing video games. Even if I get frustrated, they are usually fun. GTA:SA is not being fun, right now.

I am on the "flying school" missions. I have to complete ten flying tests, which are not fun. They are difficult, and I know that I am not going to need many of the skills they are trying to give me. Meanwhile, all my other available missions are locked off. I can't do more missions for other people until these are done... except for the RC Zero mission with the miniature planes, which also sucks. I finally had to stop playing, because I didn't want to destroy my controller.

I guess it's time to do some coding.

GTA:SA Giveaway

jbisbee on 2004-11-24T16:37:44

I finally gave my copy of GTA:SA to a friend because it was sucking the life right out me. It was fun, (but not that fun when I look up at the clock an realize that 4 hours have gone by and I haven't _really_ accomplished anything)

I also found it distrubing that I would go to the virtual gym, but have trouble doing it in real life lately.

Fuck you very much Grand Theft Auto, I beat you in a very real way by going cold turkey and passed your curse on to someone less fortunate! <Insert Evil Laugh Sound Effect Here>

Keep rollin'

schwern on 2004-11-24T21:31:42

I you have a PS/2 I'd suggest Katamari Damacy. Simple controls. Simple yet challenging gameplay. The goals are set fairly low so its hard to get stuck on a mission, let there's lots to do beyond your goal so you can continue along. Best of all, nothing you do can hurt you! Its all just timing.

What else that's relaxing... I find Dungeon Keeper 2 relaxing. In a bad mood? TOURTURE SOME HEROES! Slap some imps. Watch the dominatrixes torture each other...

More PS/2 games. Rez and Frequency. Rez is a deceptively simple shooter with a musical element such that what you do in the game effects the background music. Oh, and there's this. Frequency is sort of like DDR or Karaoke for those who have more hand-eye coordination than foot-eye or voice talent.

Re:Keep rollin'

rjbs on 2004-11-24T21:39:44

I have Katamari Damacy, Rez, and Frequency. Also, Amplitude (Frequency's sequel). I was considering playing some of those today, but: KD is loaned out, Rez gets frustrating come area 5, and... no reason not to play some Amplitude, maybe! Maybe later. I've been trying to use my frustration as a reason to work on Rubric, but without a huge amount of success. I'll have to look into Dungeon Keeper 2. Thanks for the suggestions!

Maybe I'll play some Steel Battalion. Nothing say vacation like massive mecha.

Steel Battalion!

schwern on 2004-11-30T05:12:39

You shelled out the $100 for Steel Battalion?! Wow. I am in awe of your gaming dedication.

Re:Steel Battalion!

rjbs on 2004-11-30T11:46:48

*mumblemutter* $200. *cough*



gizmo_mathboy on 2004-11-25T05:11:25

Man, I love Dungeon Keeper. Bullfrog real did this game well. I liked how the time and date you played could open secret levels and such.

Now I gotta go find it...