I work from home on Mondays. I find it's a good way to avoid having people barge in on me while I'm trying to get in the zone. At work, my office is, I think, one of the nicest in the building, as far as atmosphere goes. I have a nice lamp, a good arrangement of furniture, and good music. People stop in to ask me questions and give me information I need, and I really do enjoy the fact that my office seems to make them feel at ease.
That said, I can't get hard work done when people are wandering in, and people don't always understand that a closed door might mean "go away." So, I work from home on Mondays.
Despite that, I got an urgent call last week: one of our engineers needed to run a query, and wanted me to run it for him. This annoyed me, because not only was it my day off, but running a query is so ''simple''! "Look," I said, "just take half an hour to learn SQL and you'll be able to take care of this stuff yourself."
Well, to his credit he did, and then said, "How do I ''use'' this now?" He could have used Excel or Access, but they both ruin your SQL formatting and encourage you to use the dreadful MS query design utilities. I didn't want to point them out, so I wrote a really simple script to run an SQL query from a text file and produce CSV output for use in Excel.
I cannot explain how exciting this was to the engineer. He seemed to think it was going to change his ability to do his job! It probably will, too: if you need to analyze data to do your job, but have never had the ability to query the data in any powerful fashion, a simple tool like an SQL query must seem amazing.
It seemed to me like it might be worth my time to give that tool a little more power. "What if you could makes the queries more abstract," I asked, "and then give it parameters when you run it, like date ranges and lists of reactors to query?" He approved of the idea, and I thought I'd make it a three part text file: SQL query, names to use when prompting for bind values, and raw Perl to run before output, just in case.
Somewhere, though -- and I really can't recall where, now -- I had an incredible fit of hubris. I came to believe that the simplest and most rational thing to do would be to write a source filter that would convert a simple syntax for querying and data munging into real Perl, enabling the engineers to write powerful reports with only a rudimentary knowledge of Perl syntax.
This became Querylet.
I'll give an example, using a querylet that I'm using quite a bit, now.
database: dbi:SQLite2:dbname=cpants.db
query: SELECT dist, extracts_nicely, has_version, has_readme, has_manifest, has_meta_yml, has_buildtool, no_symlinks, has_tests, proper_libs, no_pod_errors, is_prereq FROM kwalitee WHERE dist IN (SELECT dist FROM dist WHERE author = '[% cpanid %]') ORDER BY dist
munge query: cpanid => uc($ARGV[0] || 'rjbs')
delete columns where: not(grep { ($_||'0') ne '1' } @values)
delete rows where: not(grep { ($_||0) == 0 } @$row{grep { $_!~ /dist|is_prereq/ } keys %$row})
use Querylet::Output::Text;
output format: text
use Querylet::CGI;
input type: cgi
input: cpanid
munge query: cpanid => $input->{cpanid}
rjbs on 2004-09-20T17:45:33
Haha! You must've tried that in the 30 seconds while I updated to Querylet 0.21_01!
This gives me an opportunity to say: bind parameters are implemented. The query is now more like this:query:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE row = ?
query parameter: $input->{cpanid}