
rjbs on 2004-02-19T15:41:26

I continue to play around with Bryar, but I haven't finished much of interest. I wrote a few unexciting patches, mostly in furtherance of larger snippets. I wrote a YAML config class, but I'm somewhat torn on accessors. I guess I'll figure that out as need demands. I'm trying to do my best not to design until I need to, and to refactor mercilessly. Today's problems today. JFDI. YAGNI. Be the ball.

I am a buzzword ninja.

I was hoping to start work on a ghetto datasource multiplexer tonight, but I think I'll wait until lathos finishes a bit of refactoring of his own. It's kind of nice to have a semi-legitimate excuse to put off work.

Me want

jplindstrom on 2004-02-19T22:15:07

"Buzzword ninja" Heh, brilliant, can I have it? :)

I've been looking for a good domain name lately.