Persuant to my goal of Doing Stuff, I picked off one item from my to do list. I wrote a little Vim script that hooks into the file-writing event and refuses to let you write a *.pl file if it throws an error when passed to "perl -c".
It's actually pretty darn cool. I'll turn it into a plugin, I think, and then put it on; I also might do a little work to make it, well, better. I've put out a call for other stupid quests to help me learn more Vim stuff.
On the way home, I stopped and picked up chromatic's Extreme Programming Pocket Guide. So far, it looks good. Its linearity should make it much easier to consume than some of the wikis, and also easier to show to my coworkers, who are less familiar with the ideas of XP.
I'm already working on the ORA AppleScript book. So far, so good. I like the fact that the author is very honest about the fact that AppleScript is a mediocre language with mediocre documentation. This makes me hopeful that the book will continue to be honest and give me useful solutions to the problems that always crop up in these obnoxious proprietary languages.
Gloria and I watched Dirty Harry tonight. She gave me the DVD set of all the Harry Calahan movies for Christmas, so we'll work our way through them slowly. The first was fun, and I expect at least a few of the remaining ones to be, too.