more work perl

rjbs on 2004-01-29T03:27:01

The stink of doom is heavy in the air at work. Heavy.

To distract myself, I did a bit more CGI::Application and TT2 work today. I feel good about it.

I threw together a little calendar generator to display a yearly calendar and show where the fiscal periods break. It's teeny and very easy to refactor. Wow, I mean. This is good stuff.

Every time I make a minor breakthrough in this stuff, I start to realize that until that point I've been a real chump. I wonder how long before I stop feeling that way. Or, at least, before other people stop thinking I'm a real chump. It'd be nice to have a little meter in my Dock showing the ratio of people whose opinion I trust to people who think I'm a chump. It's not so much that I'm concerned what people think (although, hey, I am) but that they're probably more objective than I am.