porting, linking

richardc on 2001-10-15T17:51:14

Whee, OSX continues to be shiny, and now I'm even starting to appreciate one of my older friends - libtool

Libtool hides the complexity of creating shared/static libraries across different platforms. But I heard you saying to yourself 'but I'm only targeting unix system, that's just use of ranlib and ld, surely'. Well no, not on OSX it isn't, instead you have to do baroque things with $(CC).

I've also been wrapping some stuff up as fink packages, very alpha versions of libnids and dsniff packages are available from my homepage but if I were you I'd wait a few days until the fink developers have told me where I've gone wrong.

People still seem very interested in Pod::Coverage, which is cool. Now just to free up the tuits required to hack on it...