So yeah, it's been a while. Busy, all that jazz.
So, newness? I've been tweaking j2m a bit, so the new style journal templates don't confuse it hideously. It also now uses lynx to do the html -> text rendering too, as I've been migrating to MacOSX.1
Whoa, I've just now (and really just now) noticed that OmniWeb does spellchecking on input boxes like this one - that's so cool. OmniWeb is very sexy, don't tell anyone but I think I might've found a web browser I can actually like.
Fink is amazingly useful too in getting a package management system for all those essential Unix apps. On the todo-list is to package irssi and zsh to complete the move - maybe this weekend.
So in summary, OSX shiny, migrating from Debian time consuming, must try harder.