ya-preyapc entry

richardc on 2001-08-01T02:18:27

Okay, so everyone's posting that they're going to YAPC::Europe tomorrow, but what the hey.

Cleared up some of the todo-list, some much faster than I really expected to.

  • Wax::On Wax::Off has reached a state of written, with big thanks going to Paul Mison (aka blech) for doing a lot of work on the video encoding.
  • Simon seemed to indicate a way to generate, and he gave me a book about make, the sweetheart. Leafing through it I already see a few ways to make the build system on gravel that extra bit hairier :)
  • Object 1 were goodly enough to offer me a job in which they're happy for me to spend some R&D time on gravel and other Open Source stuff.
So that just leaves debugging driftnet, and getting to/speaking at YAPC::Europe.

(un?)forunately listening to ingy talk to london.pm has put bad ideas into my head, so it looks like I'm going to have to start a few more things, oh and my laptop is playing up too so there's that to fix[0].

Should sleep, though as ever I find it harder when I know I have to be up fairly early the next day. Bah.

[0] If anyone knows why a wallstreet running linux would stop responding to /dev/adb[1], and how to fix that, I'd be really keen to hear from you. [1] For those unitiated into the ways of the mac, the ADB device manages the keyboard, mouse and power management unit - if it stops playing you lose the use of the keyboard, not so good on a laptop.