This past week I have learned:
- Waldo Bastian, author of kmtrace, responds quickly to email and assures me the bug I found should get fixed up in KDE 2.2.
- Apache vhost configuration confuses me, especially when you throw in UserDirs
- Max Payne is soo good. I was born to kill people in bullet time.
- Using the wrong dialup number can get costly. Being two digits out when setting up my modem to use surftime caused a hefty phone bill. Best not do that again.
That's a partial catchup over with. I'm back online now, and for the next few days the plan is to:
- finish Wax::On Wax::Off[0] with Mark.
- figure out why this week's ntk pick driftnet[1] tints images blue on my powerbook
- thump Simon until he decides how gravel should generate .swfs, so we can start coding it
- go to YAPC::Europe[2], talk without dying
- become gainfully employed[3]
[0] now with added website goodness
[3] obplug: