evolving - Tuesday 22nd July, 2003

richardc on 2003-07-24T06:44:54

YAPC::Europe day 0. Not going to be that much hacking for the next couple of days, move along if you really wanted that.

Got the tube down to Paris with chunks of London.pm; Mark and I were both kindof busy with last minute stuff. I drew a whole new bunch of diagrams and then reworked a chunk of the talk to make use of the released state of Siesta (or at least it will be by the time people see the slides). Mark was still busy exposing bugs in Parse::RecDescent with his slide generation tool.

Dropped things off at the hotel and wandered off down to CNAM for earlybird registration. Couple of bars later we had formulated the Siesta challenge, a sure-fire fundraiser for YAS. Details will be revealed leading up till the Thursday 14:00 start time.