Should really start on finishing all modules I started on Monday, but instead I started on Device::T68i::Remote
to go with my newly
upgraded phone. It's a utility module come framework to allow you to
write your own version of
/ Romeo /
bluexmms in perl.
It's coming together fairly well, and should be done by next Wednesday at the latest, as I'm planning on using it when I talk to
Geek tendencies to completely rewrite your presentation system before even starting on the slides? Me? Naah.
Well it turned out to be quite easy to write Device::T68i::Remote
modulo some static from Device::SerialPort.
Just need to finish up the docs and squeeze it out to CPAN, and then hoping that someone else will write a nice app around it (hand-tooling a script works well enough for now, but it does require restarting every time I add new commands to invoke)
Oh, and then there's the name - the extensions to the AT command set can be used across many Ericsson mobiles, but so far I've only really tested it against my T68i.